Jesus |
Go unto all the earth, preach good news, bring rebirth; I will send you. I am with you today, soon I must go away; My days are few. You will live to forgive. In my name, you'll proclaim: The Son of Man will come once more. The sick will be healed, they'll share in my meal. Blessings will be on the poor. There's no reason to fear it, here's the breath of the Spirit; Its music will be your life It will take you away, from it you'll never stray; The Spirit will be your life. I am sending you out, you shall no longer doubt; Breathe the Spirit. Those whose sins you forgive will be destined to live In the Spirit. Breath is sweet, life's complete, take your fill of God's will; The spirit will guide you along. Those you will save will be kept from the grave. The weak will become the strong. |